Resolve to grow
Work with one of our highly experienced, licensed professionals to reach your goals with mental wellness.
Individual counseling is done one-on-one, in a private and confidential setting, online or in-office. It allows for a safe and comfortable atmosphere where you can share openly.
We all struggle with life’s obstacles from time to time and need a helping hand. Our goal in individual counseling is to empower you to find and become the best version of yourself that you can be. Everyone has a different starting place and a different destination. We view each and every client as a unique individual with a personalized path back to finding joy, and we treat each case differently. Our techniques are determined by individual client needs as there is no one-size-fits-all mold for everyone.
Talk to one of our licensed professionals today about whether online services or meeting in the office would be a better match
We can help you schedule your assessment. Once you are a client, you can see our availability and conveniently make your own appointments online
After logging into our secure client portal, you will be able to submit all intake paperwork and sign necessary documents in minutes

Couples counseling can be done in any stage of the relationship from pre-marital to relationship strengthening to putting a broken marriage back together, and it can can be done a few different ways. There will be sessions where both partners and the counselor will meet together at the same time, but there may also be times when the counselor wants to talk to the partners individually.
Human beings are relational creatures, and relationships with others are one of the basic human needs. Unfortunately, those necessary relationships are complex and can be just as painful as they are fulfilling. We know that the best way to have a healthy relationship is to make sure that it is made up of healthy people. If everyone in the relationship is the best version of themselves that they can be, then the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Communication, compromise, and self-awareness are foundational in building a relationship. Understanding, empathy, atonement, and forgiveness are keys to repairing one.
Take the first step to a healthier relationship by reaching out to one of our professionals today. We will be able to help you determine if online or office services will better meet your needs
After talking with us we can schedule your couples assessment. Once you have become clients, you can see our availability and conveniently make your own appointments online
You will each be able to create a secure client portal login so you can submit all intake paperwork and sign necessary documents in minutes
Family counseling styles vary almost as much as family members do. Our typical protocol for meeting with families combines sessions with the entire family, parts of the family, and individual members of the family. There may also be times when individual counseling for some family members is recommended.
There are all kinds of unique family types in modern society which can be a blessing or a source of stress. We understand the influence family bonds and past traumas have on us, and we know the magnitude to which our family can affect our lives. We may not be able to control our family members’ actions, but we can control how we react to them. Setting healthy boundaries and having a high level of self-knowledge are integral to becoming a healthy member in your family and effectively handling issues that arise.
In can be difficult to know how to start family therapy. Let us help you determine the most effective way to learn how to connect
After talking with us we can schedule an assessment. This initial assessment will most likely be with the caregivers. Once you have become clients, you can see our availability and conveniently make your own appointments online
Caregivers can both create secure client portal logins so you can submit all intake paperwork. All necessary documents can be signed in minutes

The terms counseling, therapy, and life coaching are often used interchangeably but there are some distinct and important differences.
Counseling, therapy, or psychotherapy are terms referring to guidance provided to help resolve personal, social, or psychological difficulties and requires a licensed professional. These licensed professionals have education, licensing, and continued training requirements that are governed by the state with specific regulations. Therapy can come in many forms but generally focuses on past traumas and influences to change self-destructive behaviors, process painful hurts, and mend relationships. In therapy, the root cause of your issue is discovered through deep introspection and then resolved through a number of research-based, clinical, therapeutic techniques. Counselors help people grow in multi-faceted ways through emotional healing, introspective analysis, and worldview reframing.
Life Coaching is typically a shorter and less intensive program and a coach is not required to be licensed. Coaches focus on the present and future, rather than the past, and help people develop plans to reach goals. By defining current states of being, destructive behaviors, and available resources, coaches help people develop a road map to get from where they are in the present to where they want to be in the future. Life coaches help people achieve goals through behavior-based plans, self-awareness, and motivation.
Counseling and Life Coaching also have much in common, which is why they are often confused. They both aim to help people find more joy in life, they just do it in different ways. Both help you figure out what to do and how to do it, but counselors go a step further to find out why problems and issues surfaced in the first place. Determining whether to seek a life coach or a counselor depends on what you are hoping to accomplish and many times a combination of the two approaches is helpful. If considering this blended approach, it is important to remember that a licensed counselor can help you determine action-based plans to achieve specific goals, but a life coach cannot perform therapeutic analysis, diagnose pathologies, or develop treatment plans. The good news is Resolve Mental Health offers services in both areas by licensed professionals.
Talk to one of our licensed professionals today to find out if life coaching may be the right service for you
We can help you schedule your assessment. Once you are a client, you can see our availability and conveniently make your own appointments online
After logging into our secure client portal, you will be able to submit all intake paperwork and sign necessary documents in minutes