"The first thing I noticed was the fog. It was a white, weighted cocoon surrounding me, muffling the outside world, the speech of others."
Using Coping Skills Effectively
Distractions are the way we cope most with stress. However, when stress becomes intense or trauma occurs, it is likely that distractions won't cut it. An upgrade to your methods of coping is required.
Relationship Rescue: The Bare Necessities
"If you can’t commit to trying your hardest to follow these basic rules, no amount of counseling is going to be able to repair the relationship."
The Stigma
All of us struggle at times, so why do we feel so compelled to label those who get help as "weak"? The stigma that human beings attach to mental health is long overdue for an update.
The Face of Depression
Depression doesn’t always look depressed. Research is starting to highlight what has been dubbed high-functioning depression.
Depression: Suffering in Silence
"I have days that are real battles within myself. Days when it seems there isn’t anything I can do to battle the feelings I have."